Vanda indeed not personally, in the Motherland had Melanie Subono that liked to use his body as the medium to keep the memory was proper for the photograph album. Tato-tato that clung to his body had the story separately. For the daughter promoter Adrie Subono this, tato was the marker of his life trip. "Beginning with the birth, the marriage, the divorce, all had Lambangnya take the form of tato," he said. A representation of the trip himself till at this time, was poured in the shape one tato the butterfly in pergelangan left him. Indeed, most tato him illustrated the butterfly, there are those that also that was illustrated the F key, as the shape passion him in the world of music. The butterfly, according to Melanie, was the symbol of the struggle for the life. The butterfly was beauty that bermetamorfosis from the caterpillar, became the chrysalis, until changing into the butterfly. The choice of the picture more or less menunjukan the identity of the owner tato, a fairy also the fashion that had "your" creed "are what you wear". Also should not be surprised katau had certain people that wrote the name of his sweetheart in the form of tato on the body. Only, before broke menato the body, psychological readiness , moreover if we chose tato permanent - that if telanjur clung will be difficult to be removed, if in afterwards the day evidently did not like.
Indeed, with the art expansion tato, currently was found by the safer new ink kind was used and far more was easy to be eliminated when in the future evidently you felt wrong the picture. As far as this is concerned did not yet have the standard of the security for dye that was used in art depicted the body, even the Urusan Makanan Body and the US Medicine (FDA) then. Tato usually uses materials like black carbon, metal salts, and the other material that also were used in the printing house and the car painting. "In fact heavy metals and the available toxic material could in this dye enter the lymph gland system," said Martin Schmieg, the discoverer of safe ink to tato. The president of the company Freedom-2 in Philadelphia this currently was introducing a series of dye product that was agreed to by FDA to be used in the world of cosmetics, food, medicine, and the medical device - that definitely safe to tato.
This dye indeed had never been used to menato beforehand because his characteristics were easy to be absorbed the body. To overcome him, an expert from the Massachusetts Public Hospital, Boston, developed the method of covering this dye in items polymer that his diameter of only 1-3 micrometers. This made him quite small to be able to be put in skin and be absorbed the set of skin in the form of colours tato. If in his life trip of an owner tato did not like tato him, he could eliminate him easily with the laser. Be enough very much the shooting, items polymer in this skin pigment will be open and dye will be absorbed to datam the cell, and tato will be lost. This was different from dye tato that uptil now was known by us, although already dilaser ten times could not be lost fully.
But such was, tato indeed the choice. Sebetum broke put on tato on the body, someone must think ten times. Moreover for the artist tato I Gusti Ngurah Awijaya, sebetum menorehkan the picture to the body petanggan him, he must discuss old, "don't the drunk pass, or in the impulsive psychological situation." When realised evidently he did not like his picture, would be able to berabe, he said. Indeed, for the safest beginner was made tato temporarily previously. That had also been carried out by Djenar Maesa Ayu. The writer of the celebrity initially used tato temporary that only could remain a month when going on holiday in Bali. It was following that he also merajah his body - also temporary - as accessories, that were matched with the fashion that he with. Old kelamanaan he fell in love with this art, and around 2003 he broke to menato his body in a permanen. manner La chose the picture of the butterfly, in the small measurement, on shoulders. Following Is menato all over the of his back.
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