Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Micro Hair Tattoos

As the original innovators of the Micro Hair Technique, we have noticed a significant increase in public awareness, as word of the technique has spread throughout the world. As an effective, safe and viable alternative to traditional hair transplant surgery, this is hardly surprising, however some of the terminology used by the general public to describe our technique, may cause some confusion.

Is there a simple solution for a hair transplant scar that would work for everyone?

Unfortunatley is it not as simple as that, various factors have to be taken into account along with the individual’s previous history, length and severity of the hair transplant scar and their expectations.

A high percentage of people who have a wide unsightly hair transplant scar, originally had their procedure carried out quite some time back. As time has gone on the methods and amount of scarring have improved significantly. However the bottom line remains, whether you have a wide or thin hair transplant scar, you still have a scar, which will prevent you from cutting your hair short, amongst other things.

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